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Touring the Cold War: A Long Learning Curve

To avoid being drafted during the Korean War, a 19-year-old Oregon logger with a 9th grade education joined the Air Force. His military career would span three decades and take him to three continents at the height of U.S.-Soviet tensions. He lived in Libya, the Philippines, and Vietnam, making friends and absorbing the history and cultue of each country he went to. That is how he got his real education - by Touring the Cold War.


Praise for the Book


"The book is handsome, reads easily and clearly, and is highly informative about international events that I was aware of through the news but were not directly in any way part of my life. I am learning a lot as I read your narrative."

Stephen Dow Beckham, Pamplin Professor of History, Emeritus, Lewis and Clark College.


Finished your Air Force memoir this evening and would like to travel to the Bay Area for a visit this week. . . . Although I knew you were retired from the Air Force, you are not the person I thought you were (gyppo logging and all).  We would make a great dog and pony show!"

William G. Robbins, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History, Oregon State University.


"A fine epologue -- both detailed and succinct! Great photograph too."   Nathan Douthit, History Professor Emeritus, Southwestern Oegon Community College.


"You write very well, and obviously had a more interesting life than most people. . . .  If I were less busy I'd offer to help raise your writing up a level, but to be honest its pretty damn good already."

Wyn Cooper, poet and freelance editor. (New York, New York)


"I sat down to take a first look and did not look up till the end of the first chapter!"

Keith Scales, actor, author, editor. (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)


"I just finished your latest book and both of us totally enjoyed reading it.  Hugh said he is going to read it again as there was so much in it." (Donna and Hugh Tyler,  North Bend, Oregon)